Monday 8 April 2013

Independence or Babies? Or Both?

My Mum and I are both over thinkers and both love talking about everything, including the subject of society  standards. We got onto the topic of children and I admitted to her that even though I would like to raise a family I don't think I will ever be selfless enough to give up my life for another human being i.e. a child. She replied "Amy that is not selfish and never think that you have to give up your life for anybody just because its the norm".

Since finally telling someone about my real feelings on the unlikeness that I will become a parent in the future I have began to wonder what are the pull factors that women have when they choose to have a baby?
Everyone claims to have a plan of their future when they are like 12 coming out with statements such as " well I need to get married by 25 so i can have a baby by 28 but I need to be with my boyfriend for at least 4 years until we get hitched.....blablablablablablabla" Then they reach 20 and become finally a part of the real world. The idea of me having a baby in the next 10 years makes me laugh so hard as I imagine I will still be as immature and unprepared to give up my life yet.

According to Wiki (the very reliable website....) the amount of people in this world has exceeded 7 billion.

7 billion? I mean seriously, wow.

We have a crazy amount of people on this planet that it comes to mind that I guess one less child (from myself) would not be missed. However by the time i am 40 will I finally wish to settle down and regret being part of one of lives greatest miracles? Could my potential child be what the world needs? - OK maybe that's a bit too far but you get my point. 

My Mum and Dad got married very young and got divorced when I was one so I don't remember anything from that period that affected my life up till now. From my Mums experience she has always advised me to hold back on having children if I wish too and to concentrate on "me".

As selfish as this may sound when I am lying on my deathbed I want to be able to say that I have done everything that I wanted to do and that no stone has been left unturned. The most important lesson I have learnt in my first 20 years is to not regret one thing, and as cliche as this is its my regrets and lessons can perhaps shape the life of the child that I may wish to have in the future or of friends and family. 

I have this picture of my future of living in the city in a beautiful penthouse running around in the day in business heels and going out for after work cocktails - although this image is slowly changing from my current relationship. To find a mix is going to be difficult in the future if i wish to combine my want for money and success with the potential want for family life. 

This post is definitely a ramble but the conclusion i'm trying to make to you is to do want you want, be selfish, be independent and be you. Yes life will change completely if you have a child - if you let it...
Looking to the inspirational working mothers allows their to be hope that i will maybe one day be able to juggle both wants and pass this moto onto my children. 

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