Saturday 4 May 2013

Living the "little fish" Life

The world is massive. There are so many people. It's crazy. Stop and think about it, think about all the different families in the world, from western society to underprivileged countries to tribes in forests.

In amongst all the chaos in the world, there you are; there I am. 

We live in a world where most of us are continually trying to get rich or die trying. We live in a world where the media tells us what to believe and what to think. We live in a world where our own people sell off our land back to ourselves. We live in a world that is completely unbalanced.

But, when did this start? When did this ethos of running in this mad rat race start? Who knows, but watch the following clip from Alan Watts a philosopher who asks the question "what if money didn't exist?"

What if Money didn't exist?

And then watch the next clip in which a youtuber asks 50 people what they would do if money was no object and imagine the world if we all lived by this mentality since the beginning of time? Would this work? Would we have peace?

50 People: 1 Question

It seems from both these videos that the majority of wants is to help people whether this be through music or from passing on knowledge and experience. Just imagine the possibilities of growing up a family with this mentality so they can pass it onto their family and their kids to their friends.

I'm in 3rd year at uni, where everyone is currently going crazy, wanting jobs with massive firms, some being nastily competitive and studying constantly. Here I am, lying in my bed reading up on philosophy meanwhile my exam is in a couple of days. But I just can't get to grips with how dysfunctional growing up is in this society and at the moment the importance of learning about marketing models deems to be less important.

I'm starting to think that I don't want to be 60 and only can say I lived chasing the corporate ladder.

Because that in terms of our whole existence is just not good enough to me. In this other video by Alan Watts he explains the theory behind what we are and a little bit about life and why we are here.

What Are We? - Alan Watts

He basically concludes that we are the big bang, this magnificent process. He emphasises that the big bang is not the past but in actual fact the process is current - it's happening right now. It's happening at this moment while you sit and read this on your smart phone or on your laptop. Think about the time you have wasted today? What could you have done?

I will finish off by linking you to another video by the great Alan Watts as he talks about the real secret as to why we are here discussing that the term "future is only a concept", a philosophy of life I feel needs to be educated at greater depth in our lives.

The Real Secret of Life - Alan Watts

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy, your mum gave me the link to your blog. I have enjoyed reading your ramblings; very fresh and lively.
    Alan Watts has some interesting ideas although I am not sure I totally agree with what he says. To say that all that matters is the present does not, in my opinion, give any credence to the past or to the future. We are the people we are because we learn from history; world history, personal history, family history, all shape what we do and who we are. The present, the here and now that Watts focuses on, is made up, surely, of our learned behaviours (history, the past) and our ambitions, aspirations, hopes and dreams (the future).
    All of these things come together to create the person we are. You are who you are because of the past, yours and others who have influenced you, your current situation, again based on what you know, what you are doing and, what you hope for, and the future, your ambitions and the influence you have on others.
    Sorry for the rambling; blame your mother!!!
    Keep writing, Bill
